Mikel Garteiz-goxeaskoa
Mikel holds a Law Degree from the University of the Basque Country (1999) and a Masters Degree (LLM) in Maritime Law from the University of Southampton (2000, UK). He participated in the Port Companies Management Course at the University of Deusto (2001).
Mikel started his professional career in 2000 working in the law firm Bufete Berenguer Comas Abogados. Later, in 2001, Mikel joined the law firm Fernando Meana Green & Co. where he had worked for 14 years until he became a partner of AIYON Abogados in 2015.
Over almost two decades of professional career, Mikel has acquired great court and out of court experience advising national and international clients on a wide number of cases within the Maritime and Transport Law, Insurance and International Trade Law, in particular, dealing with cargo claims (B/L, CMR, etc.), charteparty claims, marine insurance, collective insurance and civil liability claims, salvage and collisions, piracy, ship arrest and cargo seizure, marine pollution, sanctioning proceedings, stevedores damages, marine labour disputes, drafting and revising contracts (marine services contracts, agency contracts, shipbuilding contracts, general conditions, international sale contracts, letter of credit). He also advises clients on recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments or arbitration awards.
Mikel is also the Honorary Consul of the Czech Republic covering the area of the Basque Country and Navarre from AIYON Abogados office in Bilbao.
Member of the Bar Association of Biscay.
Honorary Consul of the Czech Republic in the Basque Country and Navarre (since February 2013).