Elements to be analyzed in cargo theft

Among the different analyzed factors, a key element is to choose an adequate and safe resting area. And this is because the rest time during the carriage implies leaving the truck and the cargo unattended directly by the carrier. Consequently, the insurance companies and jurisprudence analyze the following basic points in order to determine whether the effective carrier took the necessary measures to prevent and avert any theft or robbery, taking into consideration the chosen resting area: Read more

Aiyon Abogados in the ‘Forum for the development of logistic infrastructure, growth and employment in Andalusia’

foro-desarrollo-infraestructura-andalucia-transporteOn June 2, 2016, the Andalusian Council of Chambers of Commerce held the ‘Forum for the development of logistic infrastructure, growth and employment in Andalusia’ in Antequera (Malaga/Spain). The main companies of the Andalusian transport sector and our colleagues of AIYON ABOGADOS SLP, Enrique Ortiz and Jose Dominguez, experts in the areas of Shipping Law, Transport Law, International Trade Law and Insurance Law, attended the event.

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The Legal Bar Association of Madrid constitutes a new section dedicated to Shipping and Transport Law

By agreement of its Board of Directors dated 21 January 2016, the Legal Bar Association of Madrid constitutes a new Section dedicated to Shipping and Transport law.

The purpose of this Section is to assist all the sectors that are related to maritime and combined transportation, supporting the education of the professionals that act in these areas. This Section also aims to contribute to the dissemination of Shipping and Transport law and to reinforce the links with the courts as well as exploring the possibility of setting up a specialized arbitration body. Finally, it is another objective of the Section to be present in the making of the laws that affect the sector.

Aiyon Abogados has joined this Section and we hope it will accomplish its mission.